I digress. (Rather a bad habit of mine actually). I had just dusted down a little votive table, and was clicking open my tupperware box to see what culinary delights Mrs McElhone, my housekeeper, had provided for luncheon, when there was a swishing noise from behind the bookshelves, and there was the Nuncio's special emissary with a box folder and a bottle of Bolly.
To cut a long story short, he announced the rather gobsmacking news that I had been chosen to be co-adjutor Bishop. I was rather taken aback, truth be told, as I thought there were a lot of chaps much better qualified than myself, and I said so. Canon Lewis, for instance is keen as mustard - on all sorts of committees, and got degrees in Theology of Sociology or one of those new-fangled subjects, whereas I just whiled away my time at Christchurch getting a few bits and pieces to do with dead languages. Still, there you are. Rum cove, this new Pope, but pretty sound imho, though the good Canon has reservations.
Anyway, must dash, as I am wading through rather a lot of paperwork to do with the sale of redundant artefacts at the moment. The Abbot of Trollfast is relocating his lads to a new place, and is holding a skip sale, but some people are giving me grief about it. Must investigate. TTFN
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